About Elise McTamaney
Elise McTamaney was born in Singapore, holds a duel citizenship from Denmark and America, and is from New Jersey. She is a senior at the University of Dayton with a major in History and minor in Pre-Law and Criminal Justice Studies. She will be graduating in May of 2019. Elise hopes to have a future career path in the law profession by attending law school and becoming a lawyer or by going into policy work. She is also a member of the Theta Phi Alpha chapter on UD’s campus and is involved in PAVE (Peers Advocating for Violence Education).
Her hobbies include reading and drawing and her interests are in studying history, traveling, and hanging out with friends.
Elise’s goals for the class are to help in building the website and contributing research on the Dayton Arcade from the years 1913-1945.

One thing I learned from this class is how archives work and all the things you have to do before you go to one, while you are there, and after you leave. When we visited Wright State’s Archive, it was helpful for me as it gave me a visual idea of what I needed to do while there.